August 17, 2009

Telephone Talk

These are pictures of John talking to Grammy Palmer in Colorado. Usually with the cell phone he more or less just pays attention to what's in his hands - so we tried the bluetooth. It was adorable to watch him interact with Esther.
She asked him where his eyes were and he started blinking; the she asked where his nose was and he pointed to it. Esther also asked him what certain animals say then make the sound ~ one of Johns favorites ~ then he would try to copy her.
It was fantastic. Nathan and I were amazed how interactive he was!
Clapping for himself for getting the question "where is your nose?" correct!
Looking at us to help answer the age old question -
"what does a cow say?"

One for the Baby Book

I love this picture! I was trying to get him ready for his tub time, but he saw his cowboy hat on the way there and had to have it.
After parading around for a few moments (long enough for me to get my camera) I caught him on the way to the bathroom.
I can't wait to show this to the future; very distant future; Mrs. John Palmer!

Sara Home Maker

Nathan thought I had better post this before it gets "lost" like things tend to do sometimes. He wanted to make sure everyone got the opportunity to see me at the table with - yes - MY sewing machine.
He's SO proud of his little lady home maker!